
“Synesthesia can manifest in so many ways, Dr Peacock explained to them. Words can have colors; sounds can have shapes, numbers can be illuminated. Some people were born with it; others acquired it by association. most synesthetes were visual. But there are other kinds of synesthesia, where words  can translate as tastes or smells; or colors be triggered by migraine pain. In short, said Dr Peacock, a synesthete might see music;taste sound; experience numbers as textures or shapes. There was even mirror-touch synesthesia, in which, by some extreme of empathy, the subject could actually experience physical sensations felt by someone else

‘You mean, if I saw someone getting hit, then I’d be able to feel it too?’

‘Fascinating, isn’t it?’ ”

Excerpt from “blue eyed boy”(Joanne Harris)



“Internet. An interesting word. Like something brought up from the deep. A net for something that has been interred, or something  as yet to be interred; a holding-place for all the things we’d rather keep secret in our real lives. An yet, we like to watch, don’t we? Through a glass, darkly, we watch the world turn: a world peopled with shades and reflections, never more than a mouse-click away. A man kills himself-live, on cam. It’s disgusting, but strangely compulsive. We wonder if it was a fake. It could be a fake; anything could. But everything looks so much more real when you’re watching it on a computer screen.”

Excerpt from “blue eyed boy”(Joanne Harris)



“Fiction works to formula.The victim is always a pretty girl.And the answers are always right under your nose,to be revealed in the penultimate scene:by accident,or perhaps by a child-tying up all the loose ends in a pretty birthday-party bow.

Life,of course,is different.Life is nothing but loose ends.And sometimes the thread that seemed to lead so clearly into the heart of the labyrinth turns out to be nothing but tangled string, leaving us alone in the dark, afraid and consumed with the growing belief that the real action is still going on somewhere without us,just around the corner.”

Excerpt from “Blue Eyed Boy”(Joanna Harris)